Sunday, November 23, 2014

Old Market at Phnom Penh Cambodia Hall fire Monday morning .

At more than 7 am Monday, 24 November, the fire engulfed the Old Market in Phnom Penh. Flaming fire started from the south east of Chiang block of market stalls cushions. Tankers coalition forces competent to intervene shooting fire. The first step, according to traders in Old Before scene, they heard the sound of the explosion gas cans. Until 9:30 in the morning of the same day, the fire was completely extinguished. However, the competent authorities can not conclude that the blaze caused, why, and the extent of the damage have not been any reports yet confirmed. Prom York, director of the Office of Prevention and firefighters Phnom Penh, according to "So far, we have control over the situation of the blaze has already. The fire has burned stall about 50 percent to 60 percent among the stalls, a total of 914 stalls. In operation firefighting forces competent coalition has tried on. In order to manage, we have used fire trucks, including the car's Office prevention and firefighting, Phnom Penh, 19 units from Diamond Island 2 units from units 70 4 Cambodia Brewery 1 Unit bodyguards Samdech Techo 1 and Unit Gendarmerie 4 units." He said, "Which of these cars is a car to use water to firefighters at 5 feet, a total of 31 units." Until 10 am the same day, the authorities are logged on the case.   - See more at:

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