Friday, November 21, 2014

NASA used a laser beam from space to 3D mapping forest.

Nasa): tools laser the new organization space US NASA efforts developed over the years that now has taken shape, and by the scientists expect that it will fulfill an important role in the Space Station by firing a laser spectacular use priest to map out the map forests of the planet as a characteristic 3D. Information from the website NASA released on Wednesday, 19 November that the tool creates a new first is called Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) will be used to create maps such 3D and calculate the biomass of the forest all well. So far, NASA has to orbit a satellite that was developed for calculating the amount ...Nasa): tools laser the new organization space US NASA efforts developed over the years that now has taken shape, and by the scientists expect that it will fulfill an important role in the Space Station by firing a laser spectacular use priest to map out the map forests of the planet as a characteristic 3D. Information from the website NASA released on Wednesday, 19 November that the tool creates a new first is called Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) will be used to create maps such 3D and calculate the biomass of the forest all well. So far, NASA has to orbit a satellite that was developed for calculating the amount ...

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