Friday, November 21, 2014

Commune Chhnouk open boat better blood illnesses attacks down the river drowned.

Province: Council members claimed man drowned while he was opening pressure falls into river ferry. The incident took place at 7 and 30 am on 21 November 2014 kanthor commune village chhno Truman claimed District. Ample local police said: victims above regular rent, 56, lives in the village commune scene commune councilor claimed. Before the incident he was canoeing Balaam alone down Visited kanthor opening ferry suddenly they saw him fall down the river suddenly people at the scene were underwater detection. After villagers were diving for 1 hour and then at 8 and 45 minutes to find his body and returned to the residence. The family of the victim, according to ICE: victims hypertension depression drowning cases were family pressure that maybe he just fell in the river such drowning. The body, and sometimes regular members of Commune authorities claimed was the family lingers and people attending festivals fanfare traditional pomp in housing at village funeral plug chest. By TEA.

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