Friday, November 21, 2014

Does porn cause impotence?A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine News

Health: A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine News, said that one of four members of the ED patients were younger than 40 years. This is compared to a Dutch study in 2002 that found men who experience ED 2 percent. According to some research confirmed that the root cause of this result is due to the habit of watching porn. Dr. Su F. Mann (Ursula Ofman) specialist sexual and psychological symptoms that are based in New York, said, "The kind gesture expressed sex pose sexually motivated ". But if industry self masturbation, especially for several hours before having sex with many partners to orgasm you probably recently you have symptoms more difficult to return, or maybe less interested in sex anymore. Rare for men who have sex frequently self masturbation porn video with training may also be the same as the brain and the body to respond to what your eyes you see such features.

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