Monday, November 24, 2014

New romance for modern couples.

Wedding marriage going to be fun if no law about it? We should not think so, but the new rules for modern partnership is what it means to them to breathe easier relationship. If you're thinking that these rules really hard to make you think differently. Wedding rules for marriage naïve in modern romance just easier to go back and forth. Wedding laws of marriage, including the personal space for each other. This is the number one thing that men do not understand. Another important rule is to keep the password over the Internet to your well. These new rules will make the affair a difference and positive approach. Apply the rules of these great appointment, you will see that the level of your health increases. You obey the rules more your love will grow more and more.

Say NO to the password
Your password Love can make a little noise. Let your partner know your password. Because it can avoid the problems occur when the relationship broke

Denied the use of a single bank account

Mikel previous generations used to create accountability is only one bank for joint use. But for this generation Mikel bank account can not be together.

Own free time

Own free time is very important for the relationship. Love your progress is one of the most important to the individual's progress is important, too.

Denied the same routine
If your wife likes humor does not mean you have to be such a person, too. The different routine is what makes these 2 attractive to each other.

Share the workload
If you live in a romantic relationship, the most important for a couple to share the workloadthe same house. This is an obligation. Denied to wait for men to have a routine like a woman waiting. Keeping time to time as another new law. Do not let your partner waiting for you.
mature respect

Out to eat outside
An important law for modern couples are out to eat outside

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