Sunday, November 23, 2014
Khmer laborers working in Malaysia has the right to hold passports from political participation
Post under the new agreement with Malaysia, migrant workers would be allowed to cut their passport and a copyof his employment contract, but will be banned from participating in political activities. According to a draft document obtained by the Post last week. Memorandum of understanding (MoU) is an agreement among the two agreements in the field of working with Malaysia officials hope that will be signed by the end of this year. Another agreement covers the migrant domestic workers are not allowed to the country in October 2011 as last time, there is increasing concern regarding abuse such as rape and hunger leading to many deaths. According to government data, Malaysia currently has 13 245 workers in Malaysia, including working as domestic maids 7 796 . MoU include some protection for workers such as working 8 hours a day to get more wages when and leave at least one day per week. But the agreement also prohibits workers from marrying during the employment contract and ban engage in political activities or activities related to political organizations in Malaysia. Only men aged 18 to 45 years can go under this agreement within 5 years, and they are have a basic knowledge of Malaysian culture and society, as well as how to speak English or Malaysia. According to the draft document, workers are paid for travel to Malaysia on their own, while employers will travel back after the end of the employment contract. Workers have an obligation to provide notification within 2 months or 2 months wages if they want to cancel the contract before in due course, and they also have to travel back to Cambodia by themselves. However, employers are required to pay wages, all the rest, if the worker was deported back its work before the end of the contract, regardless of whether the cause anything. Although there is some protection for migrant workers, the point of this MoU cause concern . Opposition lawmaker Mu Sochua said the ban not to participate in political activities violate international conventions. She said in an email: migrant workers and their families, and their rights are covered the International Convention on the migration. These international law refers to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Political Rights are covered. These laws provide equal rights to migrant workers, as citizens, and all workers in the country. Angle, garment worker named Monica who is the leader's unified network Cambodian migrant workers recently been developed in recent this, said the ban is unfair. With the urging workers to understand the Malaysian political network hopes to migrant workers in politics as they want them to get the right to vote in national elections in the future. Monica said that demands immediate members CMWSN is that they must have the right passport they are getting paid and the holidays. She added that this regulation should also include what will be tricky penalties if the employer commits a violation abuse. She added that, while it is primarily a matter of women domestic workers other migrant workers may also receive victims of committing violations. Labor Department spokesman said Heng two MoU was completed last week at the technical level, but he did not respond questions relating to details of the MoU. Nara, deputy director of the Department of Labor Department of Labor said the MoU signing ceremony for the two planned for later this year.
He said he could not reveal details of the deal the two, because it is maintained secret until the two agreements were signed. Document, the draft of the MoU, the Post last week, said that women domestic workers must be aged between 21 to 45 years and will be required to go through the training before leaving should have enough knowledge about the laws, culture and society of Malaysia In addition to the training of the housework. The team's Minister of Cambodia and Malaysia will review the agreement and a special working group to review the implementation of this MoU. According to this agreement. The document added that both Cambodia and Malaysia should watch to maintain the confidentiality of information and confidentiality of documents and other data or given to the parties, while the MoU is to take effect. Draft document added that any differences that occur from this MoU will be resolved in a friendly atmosphere between the two countries, but not to find any third party or international tribunal. Which can lead to contention also available in the draft. The point is to say that wages are determined by the market forces that this Malaysian employers require a long time ago. Another article said that if women domestic workers run away from their employers, their work permit will be expire unless they left because of factors such as their employer abuses they were beaten and abused on the body. Than women as well as employers and domestic workers must abide by the laws and regulations of Malaysia Article requiring the same respect from the recruitment agency, Malaysia has been deleted. The government is among the two governments can revoke this MoU with three months notice before. But the employment contract signed before the termination of the MoU will be valid. Since the ban in 2011, working as domestic maids some have suffered abuse in Malaysia. Kheng California, said his daughter, who is 21 years old working in Kuala Lumpur although her visa expired. He said: She wanted to come back since her employment contract with an employer expired two years ago, but she was sent to another lender revoked her passport she can not return home. Kheng California who really wants his daughter back, said a bad boss, Malaysia will continue to be done should not on female domestic workers. They do not care. '
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