Some people will always migrate to work away from the areas where they live in such an exitprovinces to find work in the city, others to find work abroad. The people who live in the western border as citizens in Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, is out to find a job in Thai angled like a potato, corn or other agricultural jobs. What about the people who live along the eastern border in Svay Rieng province, whether they engaged in daily living their day? The farming business is the main business of the Khmer people living in the rural area. Whereas private citizens who live near the border in Svay Rieng province, besides farming some of them migrate to find work to increase income support to families. Whereas those in the city, they went to work as laborers to Vietnamese border country. She live in glass Romdourl district Svay Rieng province, said the people who live near the border between Cambodia and Vietnam is not empty some families like to take the time to earn extra income: Yes! In that they do business fields and farming, and so to cut cane in Vietnam 1 thousand or 2 thousand just survival. Not only to Vietnam, sometimes cutting cane or mercenaries potato. What to think a bit strange that some people are near the border that is not farming or farm by themselves some of them rented farmland or plantations to Vietnamese farmers, farming and they own the land but is willing to make the workers . Sous Saran village Prek Pok Romdourl district Svay Rieng province, said the people who rented his farm or plantation, Vietnam was mostly the poor have limited access to arable cultivation: they never okay to rent land rent OK potato growers in Vietnam. Yes! Rent and the other workers on our workers, but they are not cheap mercenaries mercenaries, but we am only 2 thousand for we Khmer 1 thousand fine a day it was so different. (Vietnam), all land lease land that is set planting potatoes rental Vietnam. Is this is that some people lack the ability to do is hire them to do so to take charge for a year or two so if we want to have more money working for them to have more money.
People who live near the border, Cambodia, Vietnam, said its farmland leased to Vietnam, there are a number of factors that makes them such a decision. Apart from the very poor do not have access to arable wife is a lack of canals or roads, making citizens difficult. She live in glass Romdourl district said just brief compared to rural development between Cambodia and Vietnam, it would appear the government no less attention to the livelihood of the people living in remote rural areas, as they: Vietnam is a place for people to potatoes. Rainy months also planted potatoes, whereas we do not have any water to drain, we planted potatoes tune it flooded tune withdrawal potato quickly so people do not want to plant the land rent to them (Vietnam) and hired workers to be perfectly . Khmer, as the government is not thinking how to be honest, ... (laughs) ... that help citizens of the way people in any way by this fire to it, and the fire is not difficult. However, in the streets of the district Rumduol to the border area, authorities repair roads to facilitate travel citizens in the area of agricultural products from farm to market. The action in and out of people's business both Khmer citizens who live near the border to work in Vietnam the Vietnamese also present in the territory of the province of Svay Rieng, as well as to deal some rice, sugarcane, potatoes selling some of the items used to sell lottery Rieng town. Nou London 1st deputy provincial communes blisters Romdourl district, said that the provincial government of Cambodia and Vietnam is a mutual understanding to facilitate the cross-border travel in and out of the citizens of both countries to other vendors or other business in the one-day return : No! Like that morning, evening it out because it (Vietnam), Kong Kong Khmer, Vietnamese reached Khmer Mekong corridor citizens known to possess Kong Kong, then respective Mekong corridor. The migration of its citizens to work as laborers in neighboring countries that are viewed as caused by people themselves and social environment.
Ley Social Development Research, said in Thailand or Vietnam, the government is preparing strategies irrigation for farmers and farmers labs farmers agricultural skills to make their progress: this compound fertilizers cheap cheap cheap gasoline fire skills irrigation, agriculture and the environment so they can make good profits. But when we fire gasoline, fertilizer, agriculture, chemical fertilizers, do we buy from Vietnam, Thailand and irrigation systems, we do not have the farmers do a lot so it makes low productivity perfectly. Automatic Khmer We do not have anything to eat must migrate to mercenaries, Thailand and Vietnam. He pointed out that the case, unless the government gives money to the organization to help agricultural training for farmers to become farmers national budget should promote agriculture and discount costs such as seed, fertilizer, fuel, and government to encourage investment to install the local agricultural machinery. However, residents who live near the border with Cambodia, Vietnam, the government wants to build infrastructure, and the development of border areas for easy crop cultivation agriculture and people living with the convenience.
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