Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Police arrest 4 other people involved in planning shot tycoon Ung Meng Angeles .

Hall: 4 other people, which is known as the 1st wife and brother-in-law of Mr. Duke Thong Sarath was caught by the cops searched his involvement in shooting NJ Duke Eng Meng bosscement diamonds on the night of November 22, 2014. 4 suspects, authorities arrested bellow 1. pence (1st wife) Duke's Thong Sarath. 2. name. 3. and 4. Lay is under arrest by the relevant authorities also prepared shot NJ Duke Eng Meng. 6 bodyguards who were arrested by authorities within the search operation arrested on the night of December 3, 2014 in the city of 999 temples and Angre in the City of New York is located Boengtompoun Meanchey release, and because there is no involvement in the murder case shot tycoon NJ Ung Meng. And her children, his 2nd wife Tycoon Thong Sarath court and brother were freed because there is no connection. Generals bronze Kean Chan, Deputy Commissioner National Police and the National Police spokesman, said police are searching tycoon Thong Sarath punishable by law. Murder Case shot tycoon NJ Eng Meng, Phnom Penh Municipal Court judge, concluded inquiries on suspects and on 7 December 2014. In case the murder of 6 people, including his parents and his bodyguard Tycoon Thong Sarath 4 Phnom Penh Municipal Court judge accused of murder thought advance and conspiracy in the shooting buddies NJ Duke Eng Meng (4 bodyguards) and on charges of illegal possession of weapons (father. mother). 4 bodyguards tycoon Thong Sarath include: 1. 44-year-old Shanghai fate as the shot tycoon Thong Sarath. 2. Name of gold properties called Touch, 27, were both charged with "murder with malice". 3. Ko Chan Thol, 29 (a) and 4. Li Sao, 28, (Dublin perpetrators) are charged with conspiracy to murder with malice. Tycoon Thong Sarath was charged "Conception murder with malice". According to Articles 200 and 29 of the Penal Code that all the accused could face life in prison if found guilty charges.

Teeth theft from endangered orca carcass being investigated.

A bizarre, macabre theft is being investigated in British Columbia this week, after someone stole the teeth from a dead orca. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is investigating the theft, and while officials couldn’t say why someone would want the teeth, whale ivory can be a hot commodity on the black market. One thing is clear, however: It is very illegal to steal those teeth. The Canadian Press reports that the body of a deceased orca was lying near a boat launch on Vancouver Island waiting to be examined by biologists. The endangered whale had been found floating offshore late last week and was moved to shore for a post-mortem investigation. It is still not clear what killed the whale, though it has been confirmed it was pregnant with a full-term calf at the time of her death. Overnight, however, someone removed several teeth and damaged several others. Her jaw and teeth were in great shape and solid,” DFO co-ordinator Paul Cottrell told the news agency. "It looks like they broke off a couple, and there were a number that were sawed off, and those were cut off right to the gum." Necropsy on killer whale J-32 reveals orca had full-term fetus. (CBC) Necropsy on killer whale J-32 reveals orca had full-term fetus. (CBC) Under Canada’s Species at Risk Act, taking teeth from an orca carcass is illegal. Section 32.2 notes: No person shall possess, collect, buy, sell or trade an individual of a wildlife species that is listed as an extirpated species, an endangered species or a threatened species, or any part or derivative of such an individual. If a person is found guilty, they could be fined as much as $250,000 and receive up to five years in prison. While it seems bizarre that someone would desecrate the body of a whale for a couple of teeth, it is not rare. There is frequently a rush, of sorts, to procure souvenirs when whales wash ashore. Whale bones and teeth are often used in scrimshaw art, a perfectly legal venture except when done on ivory taken from endangered animals. In 2010, a U.S. scrimshaw artist was convicted of smuggling endangered whale teeth to use in his art. He obtained the whale ivory through a European smuggling network. In 2011, another American man was convicted of buying and selling sperm whale teeth. He reportedly sold three teeth for between $70,000 and $120,000. In the recent British Columbia theft, it is not clear whether the incident was tied to the black market, or simple vandalism. But it has upset a lot of people. The whale carcass will be donated to the Royal B.C. Museum… albeit a few teeth short.

UN refugee agency calls for Cambodia to refrain from deporting minority hill people to Vietnam.

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - Human rights advocacy groups on Tuesday urged the Cambodian government to allow about a dozen ethnic minority hill people from Vietnam hiding in the jungle to be interviewed about their claims for asylum. Cambodian media have been reporting that police are hunting in the country's northeast for 13 hill people — known as Montagnards — with the intention of sending them back to Vietnam. Babar Baloch, a spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, said in Geneva that their involuntary repatriation without a chance to make a claim for asylum would violate Cambodia's international obligations. "The group had indicated that they wish to seek asylum in Cambodia," Baloch said in an emailed statement, adding that since creating a special refugee office in 2009, "the Cambodian government has been responsible for receiving and adjudicating asylum claims." The New York-based group Human Rights Watch made a similar plea, calling for actions to detain and forcibly return the 13 "to stop immediately." "There is no hiding the fact that Vietnam has continuously waged a systematic and pervasive campaign of discrimination and persecution against Montagnards that includes arbitrary arrests, beatings and torture, and conviction to long prison terms on trumped up charges in kangaroo courts," Phil Robertson, deputy director of the group's Asia Division, said in an emailed statement. Thousands of Montagnards fled to Cambodia after 2001, when Vietnam's communist government cracked down on protests against land confiscation and restrictions on religious freedom. Many resettled in the United States and others returned home, with all cases cleared by 2011. Vietnam's government generally distrusts the Montagnards, many of whom sided with the U.S. during the Vietnam War and attend Protestant churches not recognized by the government.

The USAF Has To Re-Paint Its Trucks Because The F-35 Can’t Fly On Warm Fuel.

After a year of several fleet-wide groundings for the F-35, the latest problem to plague the fifth-generation fighter is forcing the U.S. Air Force to revamp an entirely separate fleet to support the military’s most expensive plane yet. The F-35 can only fly on jet fuel under a certain temperature due to a range of heating issues attributed to the F-35B variant’s short takeoff and vertical landing engine. According to the USAF, the dark-green trucks that carry that fuel absorb too much heat from the sun to keep the planes in the sky. (RELATED: Entire F-35 Fleet Grounded Ahead Of July 4 Holiday) That presents a serious logistical problem for an advanced multi-role fleet expected to maintain U.S. air superiority in areas of potential conflict such as the Middle East and South Pacific — areas with no shortage of sunlight. For the time being the Air Force is addressing the issue by painting the tanker trailers of the trucks a bright reflective white to repel sunlight absorption. That presents a whole new problem for the safety of the trucks, which will be necessary to support the Joint Strike Fighter on forward deployments where large white tankers full of highly flammable fuel could make easy targets. “We painted the refuelers white to reduce the temperature of fuel being delivered to the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter,” Senior Airman Jacob Hartman of the 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona said in an Air Force news report. “The F-35 has a fuel temperature threshold and may not function properly if the fuel temperature is too high, so after collaborating with other bases and receiving waiver approval from [the Air Education Training Command], we painted the tanks white.” Luke AFB reportedly got the idea from Edwards AFB in California, where Air Force personnel first discovered the problem some time ago. “It ensures the F-35 is able to meet its sortie requirements,” Chief Master Sgt. Ralph Resch, fuels manager of the 56th LRS, said in the report. “We are taking proactive measures to mitigate any possible aircraft shutdowns due to high fuel temperatures in the future.” “This is the short-term goal to cool the fuel for the F-35; however, the long-term fix is to have parking shades for the refuelers.” The Air Force also plans to try incorporating reflective paint into the trucks’ standard green to reduce the heat absorption and maintain cover. Though the cost of the paint is $3,900 per-truck, it’s undoubtedly cheaper than another costly fix to the entire fleet, which uses the fuel as a coolant to absorb heat from the JSF’s powerful subsystems before passing into the engine. (RELATED: Three Years And Several Fixes Later, The F-35 Finally Lands On An Aircraft Carrier) Follow Giuseppe on Twitter and Facebook Join the conversation on The Daily Caller Read more stories from The Daily Caller Ready For Gruber: Tea Party Patriots Prepare To Clothe The Hill Colorado Nuns Fight Admin's Birth Control Mandate In Hours-Long Hearing The USAF Has To Re-Paint Its Trucks Because The F-35 Can't Fly On Warm Fuel Jonathan Gruber ADMITTED That Obama Lied...They Knew It Would Not Control Costs! Navy Unveils Special Edition 'Don't Tread On Me' Uniforms For Army-Navy Game

Rights group criticizes Cambodian crackdown.

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) — Human Rights Watch criticized the Cambodian government's latest crackdown on dissent, urging foreign donors Friday to condemn an "escalating wave of abuse" against peaceful protesters. In the past week, authorities broke up a string of small protests and arrested more than a dozen people, most of whom were convicted in quick trials and sentenced to one-year prison sentences, the New York-based rights group said. "The Cambodian government's latest crackdown on peaceful protest makes a mockery of promises of democratic reform," Brad Adams, the group's Asia director said in a statement. He called the government's actions "that of a dictatorship, not a democracy." This week's protests were not directly against the government but raised issues sensitive to the ruling party of Prime Minister Hun Sen, which fared unexpectedly poorly in elections last year. Its majority narrowed in the 123-seat National Assembly, while the opposition boosted its presence of lawmakers to 55, up from 29. Hun Sen has run Cambodia since 1985 with little tolerance for opposition and a reputation for ruthlessness. On Monday, authorities arrested seven protesters outside City Hall who were victims of forced land evictions. On Tuesday, security forces arrested four more people calling for the release of those arrested the day before. All were sentenced to one-year in prison on "trumped-up charges" in trials that did not meet international standards, the statement said. Also arrested separately this week were two opposition party members, Meach Sovannara and Tep Narin, whom authorities have accused of involvement in an "insurrection" in July, when the opposition staged a protest to seek the reopening of a park used for opposition rallies. Both are being held without bail. Human Rights Watch urged international donors, which make up as much as half of Cambodia's central government budget, to "publicly condemn this escalating wave of abuse."

Cambodia hikes garment worker wages, falls short of demands.

Cambodia raised the minimum monthly wage for garment workers to $128 on Wednesday after a series of strikes and protests over pay and conditions, but the hike fell short of union demands. The 28 percent raise for employees who currently earn a minimum of $100 a month to make clothes for firms including GAP, Levi's, H&M, Puma and ZARA will take effect on 1 January, 2015, the labour ministry said. "I believe that workers will improve their living standards from previous years and that factories will be able to pay the wage," Labour Minister Ith Samheng told reporters in Phnom Penh after a meeting between government officials, unionists and factory representatives. But garment workers and trade unionists -- who have campaigned for international buyers to lift their basic wage -- said the hike was too small. "We are not satisfied with the figure yet. The increase is still low. We want at least $140 a month," Ath Thorn, president of the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers Democratic Union, told AFP. Unionists and workers will meet in the coming days to decide whether to accept the increase or continue their campaign for higher wages, he added. Earlier the union had demanded a minimum monthly wage of $177 but reduced the figure after negotiations with the government and factories. Cambodia's garment sector, a key source of export earnings, has been hit by a series of strikes and protests over wages and working conditions in factories producing items for top Western brands. Disputes over wages, safety and conditions in Cambodia's lucrative garment industry are frequent and sometimes turn violent. A crackdown on striking garment workers in early January left at least four people dead. Garment worker Prum Savy, 28, who works in one of the hundreds of factories on the outskirts of the capital, told AFP she was willing to join further protests for a better wage hike. "I am happy with the increase, but this is not enough. I want more," she said. The multi-billion dollar garment industry employs about 650,000 people in Cambodia and is a key source of foreign income for the impoverished country. The kingdom earned around $5.5 billion in garment exports last year. A month after the mass strike and subsequent bloody crackdown in January, the minimum wage was increased from $95 to $100 per month. At least six union leaders face charges in connection with that strike, according to rights activists. The new monthly wage applies to textile, garment and footwear workers who will still receive benefits including an extra $10 per month for regular attendance and an extra seven dollars per month for transportation and rent, according to the labour ministry. Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia, with around 20 percent of the population -- or 2.8 million people -- living on less than $1.25 per person per day, according to the World Bank.

Cambodia a Worry for Vietnamese Refugees in Australia.

As we have recently reported, Cambodia’s treatment of ethnic minority Vietnamese refugees has put the country back in the spotlight and, as Fairfax Bangkok correspondent Lindsay Murdoch has noted, Australia’s deal to send its refugees for resettlement in Cambodia is receiving more scrutiny as a result. One thing not yet reported is what might happen to Vietnamese refugees in custody here. The ethnic minority group are apparently Protestants from the Central Highlands, part of the J’Rai group who are, according to a 2009 World Bank report, among other sources, a group indigenous to Vietnam. Protestants in the Central Highlands can suffer quite high levels of repression from

provincial authorities, thanks in part to their piecemeal assistance to Americans during the war and distrust of their “illegal” home churches. Those who escaped to Cambodia allege ongoing abuse by authorities. If Cambodia repatriates them, what might the nation do to the refugees Canberra gives it? Last year there was a very steep increase in the number of Vietnamese boat arrivals to Australia, from around a hundred in 2011 to over 780 by the third quarter of 2013. It was unclear at first why they had come and groups such as the Vietnamese Community of Australia (VCA) didn’t tell me much when I was developing a piece on this story at the time, past the fact that people wanted to leave because communists are repressive. Diplomatic sources and experts later suggested they were largely young Catholic men and mostly from the one province, Nghe An, in north central Vietnam. Vietnam has the second-largest Catholic population in Southeast Asia, with some six million of its 90 million people following the faith. The Vatican and Hanoi have achieved a cautious rapprochement in recent years and religious freedom is gradually improving, although still very rocky. Nonetheless, many Catholics, thanks to black marks on their families’ histories, may be prevented from accessing education or jobs. Those whose families, for example, may have once support the U.S.-backed Catholic Diem regime of the south can still face forms of discrimination. It is also dependent on what Australian lawyer Peter Hansen, who has worked with Catholic asylum seekers before and has been in and out of Vietnam for decades, has called “ecclesiastical microcultures,” given the different Catholic groups and histories in the nation. Repression can also vary greatly between provinces and the whims of the local officials. There has been ongoing violence between Catholics and authorities in Nghe An and this, in part, explained the increase in Vietnamese boat arrivals. It was alleged last year by refugees and advocate groups that the Australian government may have allowed security officials to interview those detained in Western Australia, which terrified the detainees. This could, in fact, have been a breach of international law. The problem now may be that any Vietnamese resettled in Cambodia may be more vulnerable than most, Catholics especially. Anti-Vietnamese sentiment is an easy populist topic and one opposition politicians such as Sam Rainsy are keen to use. Ethnic Vietnamese were killed in riots this year. Prime Minister Hun Sen was essentially placed in power by Vietnam after its 1978 invasion and the two nations retain close ties. It is worth asking how safe any Vietnamese sent there for resettlement might be. Hansen told The Diplomat, “Unless they were inserted into the Vietnamese diasporic community in Phnom Penh, I think it would be disastrous.”

Monday, December 8, 2014

Cambodia: Death Highlights Detention Center Abuses.

The Cambodian government should promptly close all centers arbitrarily detaining people outside the criminal justice system, Licadho and Human Rights Watch said today. The abusive nature of these centers was highlighted by the death on November 26, 2014, of a man who was arbitrarily detained and denied medical treatment at the Prey Speu center outside Phnom Penh. “Keeping Cambodia’s detention centers open is an endless invitation to the authorities to violate the human rights of people deemed ‘undesirable,’” said Naly Pilorge, director of Licadho. “The systematic abuse of Cambodia’s most vulnerable people occurs at these centers and the government should close them immediately.” Around November 2, authorities brought a man named Phea to Prey Speu’s Po Senchey Vocational Training Center, according to a center official and other witnesses. Phea had been picked up during “sweeps” by security forces in Phnom Penh to clear homeless people and others considered “undesirable” off the streets prior to Cambodia’s traditional Water Festival being held on November 5-7. The sweeps – part of an operation that also aimed to deter anti-government protests during the holiday – were carried out by police, para-police “public order” contingents, and heavily-armed gendarmes acting on orders from Phnom Penh Governor Pa Socheatevong. The governor, through the municipal Department of Social Affairs, Veteran, and Youth Rehabilitation, has authority over the Prey Speu facility. Phea, who had been living on the streets, was seriously ill when taken into custody. He was extremely thin and covered with infected wounds on his legs and other parts of his body. Sources said that during his weeks-long detention, the center staff made no effort to provide him medical treatment and refused to take him elsewhere for treatment. He died on the morning of November 26, after which his body was taken for immediate cremation at a Buddhist temple, Wat Sopheakhuon. Police failed to launch any proper investigation into his death. The United Nations Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment provides that medical care and treatment shall be provided to detainees whenever necessary and free of charge. Whenever a person dies in detention, “an inquiry into the cause of death … shall be held by a judicial or other authority.” In addition, “[t]he findings of such inquiry … shall be made available upon request.” The poor conditions at the Prey Speu center resulting in Phea’s death are faced by other detainees at the facility, Licadho and Human Rights Watch said. Approximately 30 other people were in Prey Speu at the time of Phea’s death. These include two small children who were with their physically ill mother, and a third small child who was with his or her father, in violation of international law prohibitions against the arbitrary detention of children. All are being held without charge or trial. A late-term pregnant woman detained at the center escaped when she believed she was going into labor, fleeing with a transgender person who was also being held, according to one source. Long history of center abuses Licadho, Human Rights Watch, and other human rights organizations have documented torture and systematic cruel and inhumane treatment, as well as rapes, killings, and other abuses at the Prey Speu center since it became operational in 2004. In late 2008, following public revelation of abuses at Prey Speu and other centers run by the Ministry of Social Affairs, government authorities claimed that Prey Speu had stopped arbitrarily detaining people. While there were initial indications that some people were released and others held for shorter periods, in more recent years the Prey Speu center has reverted to detaining people against their will for weeks and sometimes months. Across Cambodia, authorities routinely detain alleged drug users, homeless people, “street” children, sex workers, and people perceived to have disabilities in a haphazard system of detention centers around the country. Some of those detention centers are ostensibly for drug treatment, while others are ostensibly for “social rehabilitation.” In addition to Prey Speu, the Ministry of Social Affairs also has authority for the Phnom Bak center in Sisophon town, Banteay Meanchey province, and jointly manages a drug detention center with the military on a military base in Koh Kong town, Koh Kong province. There are a further six drug detention centers across the country that each year hold at least 2,000 people without due process. Human Rights Watch has previously documented how guards and other staff whip detainees with rubber water hoses, beat them with bamboo sticks or palm fronds, shock them with electric batons, sexually abuse them, and punish them with physical exercises intended to cause intense physical pain. Detainees from some centers have been forced to work on construction sites, including in at least one instance to help build a hotel. Authorities hold out the prospect of on-site treatment by nongovernmental organizations of a small number of mentally-ill “residents” to justify Prey Speu’s continued existence. There is no reason why this treatment cannot be provided on a voluntary basis, outside the confines of a center in which systemic abuses occur and that has proved stubbornly resistant to reform, Licadho and Human Rights Watch said. Homeless and other marginalized people who remain there “voluntarily” often do so because they fear being harmed on the streets by the security forces and believe there are no voluntary, community-based services available to them. “Cambodian authorities need to admit that it’s impossible to transform Prey Speu and similar centers into institutions that respect human rights,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The latest death at Prey Speu should be the last straw for donors, UN agencies, and embassies, who should together demand Prey Speu be shuttered, and commit to back genuinely voluntary services to assist marginalized Cambodians.”

Cambodian Fishermen Urge Better Studies on Lao Dam.

PHNOM PENH— As Cambodia prepares for a regional meeting over a contentious Lao dam on the Mekong River, fishing communities in Stung Treng province have appealed to Laos to cancel the project. The Don Sahong dam would be built on the Mekong, two kilometers from the Cambodian border. While some critics warn it could endanger livelihoods downriver, other say communities upstream in Thailand and downstream in Cambodia both face a risk of fish shortages if the dam is completed. Fisherman Kong Chanthy, of Stung Treng’s Thala Barivat district bordering Laos, tells

VOA's Khmer service the Laos government should conduct a cross-border feasibility study before going ahead with the plan. “It is very close to the border ... on the white zone, [so] I want to request to our government of Cambodia to reconsider about this issue and talk with the Laos government to find common ground solutions," he said. "I would like to send this message to the Laos government, stakeholders and decision makers [and ask] if they have conducted feasibility study about the impacts on the people living downstream.” The chief of a fishing community not far downstream from the proposed site, Sek Sophal, says 200 families there would be affected by the dam. “I request to NGOs and the government to not support the Don Sahong project and to stop it immediately,” he told VOA Khmer. The Mekong River Commission will hold a regional public meeting on December 12 to discuss the project. Cambodia has held regional and national level meetings at least three times to hear people’s concerns over the project, which is being built by a Malaysian company. Duong Pov, deputy governor of Cambodia's Stung Treng district, says people living along the Mekong River bordering Laos do not want the project to happen. “In short, people do not want the dam to exist,” he said. “If built, it will affect us. Once it exists, the solutions would be complicated. We do not know what to do to prevent it from happening.” Thai, Vietnamese and Cambodian communities have protested the dam project, though Laos has had Mega First conduct a feasibility study. But civic groups and environmentalists say that study has not complied with international standards, particularly the cross-border impacts of the dam. Hans Guttman, CEO of the MRC Secretariat, said in statement that the Dec. 12 consultation will be a chance for Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam to express concerns over the project. “The process is also an opportunity for Lao PDR, who proposes the project for development, to better understand the concerns and to consider measures to address them,” he said in a written statement. But Te Navuth, secretary-general of the Cambodian National Mekong Committee, said Laos is likely to go ahead with the plan, regardless of objections. “I think that Laos is already prepared for the construction because they have planned and studied about the project for four or five years already," he said. "They didn’t plan and build it the same year. They have conducted a lot of studies in the past.” Lao officials could not immediately be reached for comment. The Don Sahong dam would generate 260 megawatts of electricity.

Abused Brides Come Home After China Ordeal.

Two Cambodian women were returned to Phnom Penh on Monday after each spending more than a year in China, where they both say they suffered through abusive marriages so bad that they decided to leave their newborn babies and escape from their husbands. The rescued women were the latest in what is an increasing trend of young Cambodian women being lured to China by brokers with

promises of a wealthy husband and better life, only to find themselves in abusive relationships and with few ways out. Two Cambodian women who returned Monday from China, where they had been trapped in abusive marriages, speak to reporters at the office of rights group Adhoc in Phnom Penh. (Siv Channa/The Cambodia Daily) Two Cambodian women who returned Monday from China, where they had been trapped in abusive marriages, speak to reporters at the office of rights group Adhoc in Phnom Penh. (Siv Channa/The Cambodia Daily) One of the women, a 27-year-old from Ratanakkiri province, said her hopes of finding a well-paying job after marrying a Chinese man disintegrated upon her arrival in Jiangxi province. “I thought that if I married a Chinese man I would get a lot of money, be able to work at a Chinese factory and send money back home,” she said upon arriving at the Phnom Penh International Airport on Monday. Instead, she found herself in an abusive marriage. She said she made three futile attempts to run away from her husband and reported the abuse to local police, but to no avail. Finally, without her 5-month-old child, she said, “I went to the police station, pretended I didn’t know Chinese and said I lost my passport. So, they called the consulate who sent a volunteer to pick me up.” Along with the second victim who returned Monday, the woman’s return flight was organized by local rights group Adhoc. The second woman, a 20-year-old from Kompong Thom province, said her family was also wooed by the promise of a better life. “My family’s condition was very poor. The broker promised me money and a good future, so they agreed to send me,” she said upon arriving home Monday. In September last year, the bride was taken to Fujian province to live with her new husband and his family. She said they barely fed her and kept her locked in the house, where she was regularly subjected to sexual abuse. In October, she escaped—also leaving behind her 5-month-old child—and started a four-week journey to the Cambodian consulate in Guangzhou. Upon arriving, she met three other women in similar situations, who helped take care of each other with the help of a consular official. Now that she is back in Cambodia, she said she felt “reborn.”

Monday, December 1, 2014

Virgin plastic and the cries of passion had personally did not have a violent kid, but never less. I set in phteh by community violence. (Video)

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Virgin plastic and the cries of passion had personally did not have a violent kid, but never less. I set in phteh by community violence. (Video)
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Young woman in the public bathroom in the water to bathe Zealand exchange okay okay Van did not know there was a clandestine recording radius stolen (with video)។

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[Update] body Khmer woman died in the Korean ambitious insurance Korean husband wanted to celebrate at home

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Phnom Penh: Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong and International Cooperation on November 27, said that women Khmer Korean whose husband had died in an accident. According to the Cambodian Embassy in the Republic of Korea said on August 23, 2014, in Korea there is a family meet accidents caused couple Khmer pregnant 7 months, died at the scene, and her husband Koreans suffered minor injuries. After the incident, police Korea has been conducting research to find the cause of the accident and found that Korean husband intentionally killed Khmer couple accidents to payment from her life insurance company that has nearly $ 9 million. Korean police have arrested a husband and evil and brutal. Khmer women suffering until death is called protein females Zealand native of the village commune paper wedge Trea Khmom who is married and lives with her Korean husband in 2008. There have been a 5-year-old daughter. On the scene, her daughter was not in the car with their parents. Koy Kuong said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Embassy advised to claim compensation for family and compensation for raising a daughter who survived. For the above case, Madam President of the Republic of Korea, is noteworthy, and some famous Korean TV plans to travel to Cambodia to film and interview family woman in the upcoming Khmom. Click arrows under see more video ................
Sources, published in the newspaper Korea said the cases women Khmer, which is man as husband Korea trick killing for money to guarantee the life, that is, according to a woman as a wife sleeping pill and then drove to meet collision truck tonnage 8 tons of death's wife. The incident took place on 23 August. As noted Korean man has been married to Korean women alike have a daughter who is now 16 years old. Then once married to a Chinese woman, and in 2008 married women Khmer victims. They do not see the wife, Korea and China, previously divorced, or kind. General contractor youngest provincial police chief, said that on the morning of Nov. 28, he sent forces to funeral homes of parents in the village commune Kdol wedge Eritrea have been asked to source information from the relatives of the dead. That time was a woman, the mother named Aung Constructed Veng, 54, and men are fathers name group protein, 56, are in shock heart tear everyone to learn that the daughter ion Zealand, 25, died in a traffic accident in Korea that. According to sources, Mr. Captain Ouk youngest deputy police chief, district Wedge said the gospel that the funeral could airlifted to Cambodia on the night of November 28 to take to celebrate the tradition of the homeland, and on 29 November, there will be officers Embassy South Korea invited to visit each family as well. Click arrows under see more video ................

Leak Miss World No. 3 represents Singapore in 2014 filming the hot meat!

Miss World No. 3 represents Singapore in 2014, said, "She's not a porn movie" Singapore: Miss World No. 3 represents Singapore Angeline Yap has been heavily criticized after filming hot (18+), which is mixed with the nude scene and intercourse. According to sources, said that she Angeline

Yap, a Miss World No. 3 represents Singapore has films such hot-led performances by Sam Loh obtained the supervision of the International Film Festival in Singapore, with no cut scenes, such as a nude scene and intercourse out. Click arrows under see more video ................
Another source said that she and Angeline Yap involved heavily criticized in the newspapers, as well as web site everywhere always see her face with criticism. However, she Angeline Yap, who on behalf of the Miss World No. 3 represents Singapore appeared to have been interpreted by writing messages on the social network Facebook, its movies, hot meat, she recorded before she competes at

Miss World, right before she become Miss World. She wrote that it seems too overwhelming, and my name is on the newspaper and website so different everywhere. Ultimately, I want to emphasize that when the film was in February 2014. I was not Miss okay. Miss World and I'm not a representative of Singapore Storm 3 okay when I'm filming. Miss World, but now I'm representing Singapore No. 3 course. Angeline Yap wrote her again, so do not say whether Miss World No. 3 can do it, that's okay ... at the end of the phrase to write a comment about this, she wrote, and I'm not a porn movie. Thank you for taking Click arrows under see more video ................

Used to see men and women sleep together, man and woman sleeping together what happened (watch video)

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compy this link to past in browser www.xnxx.com/khmer

Pregnant women, children 6 at home ...

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Pregnant women who flew from England to Sydney, Australia for attempting to meet with her lover know Facebook . Sources have said that the children were 6 came sued the police found his mother after he flew to Australia. 43-year-old woman, the mother of 7 children in planning to meet his lover 6 weeks to be together. After returning home, the police arrested and punished by law she was 6 months in jail and bail for 2 more years, and 6 children were court decides to live with their grandparents. Many people have criticized the mother's acts very much as her lesbian lover who just acquaintances Facebook And abandoned children do not care about their lives. Click arrows under see more video ................

Khmer News peypey ly

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Doctor Suggests Sex Is GREAT

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Behind the scene .

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Chnglbi no longer hungry video hosting Facebook hit off famous soon share

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Hot leak couple go prescribe prescribe suddenly fainted because she used too lethal martial Hav. (Video).

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National Hurricane love literature promoting Krom ambition to create a template script.

Hong made first, so we can create, but it is not the standard we have to learn techniques that make it easier and its standards. After receiving training course in addition to Microsoft, and that Hong whose parents is a Khmer Kampuchea and was number 6 among you 8 were returned to Cambodia, he started involved creating fonts Khmer Unity this code will put the network system, the Internet lets them download (download) to use for free. Although Danh Hong generated font Khmer distributed to people around the globe use freely, however, still not as many people who knew him, not only in only the first step of creating a template script, there are many people derail and criticized Font Khmer Unicode's used incorrectly, with you through jealousy and condemning him once. Hong said that we create to them, we will be wrong, but now those who criticize Nong created, and they also claimed Font am the creator of fact, I am. Although there was scrapped as obstacles still does not mean that makes youth Krom man this surrender that he is still continuing research create Unicode fonts this far, especially how he adapted to be used with the system that out recently, such as using the website, use on an iPhone, IT sex and with Browser other until placed on the website Diego golf has. Smile with pride as a success on the research orientation of their children Krom man has confirmed that 'we do it to use to recognize Font script online phone handset like iPhone IT terrorists and systems of developing policies will, and is a collaboration between me and Diego golf.' Turning to the founding and history of childhood studies Font Khmer Kampuchea Khmer again. Hungarian children, though born in a peasant family and living under colonial Vietnam, however, they seem less likely to have a history of bitter pain and misery. With avdaikhlei gray, sitting on the couch pnrchheamochrouk in cafe central Phnom Penh, with eyes quiver glass glasses thick's have confirmed that studies in Kampuchea not easy, but Kon Krom not aged 5-6 years to get not consent brave know how to type endless stresses just can attend school. HK here want to emphasize that because the colonists were young Vietnamese have always done so, we need to know how to protect themselves. Childhood Hong often spent time walking dozens of kilometers in order to study and Hong have no opportunity to learn the script, which is the letters of their nations, but if not, who learned with his father and in pagodas, no day endless literature, and, if we do not live in such situation will not fail the challenge. With a long study of legal Hong graduated college in Saigon, and served in Vietnam for 3 years. But because of the feeling that they live and work like immigrants on their home ground, also decided to find work in the capital in 2000. At this point, Hong confirmed that 'we live style immigration we forced to do everything, not alone, of course, like the Vietnamese, they learn on the learning law known to come out and make a law without us, but the job of state not suitable for living standards yet.' Click arrows under see more video ................
After swimming through a long life up to the present with a job as a technician to create a template script Hong said he created the Khmer fonts to over 100 organizations, private companies. Almost every day, the font used freely use, such as font type or font Khmer OS Khmer OS battambang ... or khbattambong kh Moul ..... However, at the age of 42 Hong you Kandal and wife have a daughter's dowry, and after choosing a marriage in 2008. Until recently, the founder template script Danh Hong continues its ambitious attempt to further research on how to script an easy to use the correct tools of modern technology, which have issued a new demand for Khmer people. Although creating great works, but Danh Hong, did not want to face or name, because Hong think Koun Khmer, and to her family, simply unwanted vinyl prominent. Founder hide history because the past is the Khmer Kampuchea live by surrounded monitor from the state of Vietnam has said calls for Kon all trying to learn about technology and use fonts Khmer Unicode and were trying to research and implement new ideas for further work and reputation of the nation. Click arrows under see more video ................

Vietnamese government to send minority Montagnards back.

According to the provincial police chief, said its officials are willing to follow the lead of the Vietnamese authorities, according to the authoritiesVietnam has asked the police to arrest and deport Montagnard minority of 16, which came intoRatanakiri recently to Vietnam. 13 members of the Montagnard ethnic minority concentrated in the central highlands of Vietnam are hiding in Phat district north of the province today after fleeing across the border into the province last month. Mr Cuong, the provincial police chief, said yesterday that he recently received a report that contains a list of people 16 by the Ministry of Interior. Click arrows under see more video ................
General shake Sikoeun, said, "The Vietnamese authorities gave us a list of 16 people who fled from their home countries . They asked the authorities to pursue these and send them back to their home countries because they are magnetic Montagnard ethnic minority. "He added, "We will arrest them and send them back to the Vietnamese authorities." Montagnard ethnic minority, which is also known as Degar been condemned a long time ago on charges of supporting US and French troops during the war in Indochina 1st and 2nd. Minority Montagnards, most follow Christian Protestant denominations that the Vietnamese authorities are not legally recognized, making for a violent crackdown on the church's Montagnard minority between 2001 and 2011. Minority thousands to seek asylum in the country during that time, and many others fled to the United States, but most of them are forced repatriation. Most of them were sent back to Vietnam, was sent to prison and tortured. They could not be reached the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for comment. Indigenous villagers algae that live in communes yeatoung district has said that local authorities have arrested a man Montagnard ethnic middle-aged two people in his commune on Thursday. Poi, 51, his tribe is a tribe, one of the 30 tribes that make up the ethnic Hmong California said, "I've seen people defend at least 10 villages from candles arrested two people". Chhay Thy rights investigators Adhoc Ratanakiri province, said some villagers in the area told about the arrest, said that "now we are trying to find out where [the authorities] are detained ". Brigadier shake Sikoeun denied that protect the village from its minority Montagnards. She gut tensions, officials in charge of Regional Information Office of the High Commissioner for the United Nations on human rights, said yesterday that the agency refugee agency will continue to work with the government to determine whether minority Montagnards who are hiding in the Ratanakiri can qualify as a refugee or not. She said, "We will not know what exactly, but unless the government has the opportunity to hear their claims. But we have been advocating for a long time, and that those who are in danger should not be sent back to not again. Sokphal Immigration Department of the Ministry of Interior, said that the government will alone determine whether minority Montagnards legitimate refugees or not, and if not legally, they should be sent back to Vietnam. General Health, said that "the issue of whether they are refugees or not depends on the Cambodian authorities. It's not up to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, because he transferred this role Khmer government. But if we find that they are not refugees, we will send them back to Vietnam ". In an interview Wednesday in Ratanakiri Montagnard ethnic suggested that escape Cambodia because the police threatened to arrest him on charges of supporting Degar Foundation, based in the United States, which advocates for the rights of indigenous minority Montagnards. Minority Montagnards Another said it was captured in Vietnam because it's symbolic show Degar Fund page on Facebook. Kok 70-year-old Marxist president Degar Fund said yesterday that its minority Montagnards in Vietnam again and again not to cross the border into Cambodia. Click arrows under see more video ................

Kem Sokha: meeting between Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen has not satisfied me.

Kem Sokha, deputy party said during a meeting with residents in the central province on 30 November (photo from social networks) Click arrows under see more video ................
Vice President of the National Salvation Party, said he is not yet satisfied with the results meeting between Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen on November 28, yet within a few details yet there is clarity in the resolution of political issues. Kem Sokha said during a meeting with residents in the central province on November 30 that the negotiations between Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy Party National Salvation demanded on some point, and some are still required. The point is not clear, that is, determining citizenship.. And political activists, as well as land-rights activists jailed. He said, 'We do not want to put members.. They have another nationality, I see no resolve political tensions land imprisoned activists imprisoned protesters imprisoned us that if we want to resolve political tensions please release it all perfectly okay not have the right to jail. So it's not clear if the law to me that what I did not lie to the people. However, Kem Sokha also mentioned some positive meetings, setting an end Draft Law on the Organization and to the event. ., and the proposed law on amendments to the law that was over a long time in February 2015. CEO fair and impartial committee to free and fair elections in the country, Hang Putheara, considers that the results of the meeting between Prime Minister Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy on Nov. 28 showed.. certainly possible. However, he said.. It does not guarantee independence. .. Came from members of both political parties so accepted by the two parties, but for the other political parties or we do not know if the public can accept, but we encourage both parties to work together to resolve the deadlock involving political, economic and social issues as well. During the meeting between Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy on 28 November agreed on three main points: 1. Prime Minister Hun Sen has given approval in principle by requiring rescue party launch television and radio network into a number of provinces. 2. Approved the amended Rules Clause 48 new parliamentary leaders give lawmakers who have seats in the National Assembly and the captain of Parliament to pair with government with regard to the issue of ethnic and national captain will have the rank of Prime Minister. 3. For the preparation of the electoral system reform in the country, and the draft law on the organization and functioning of the project.. The two top leaders have decided to team existing contract negotiation phase and closing the institution.. by the end of February 2015.Click arrows under see more video ................